Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is "Leadership"? A Crowdsourcing HIGHERMIND MEDIAWORKS Project with Youth LAB and VCWA

Meet our VCWA students from Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, and Vermont!


"The essence of good leadership is undefine'able." - Anonymous

What is "leadership"?

1. Working in small groups, come up with the single most important ingredient of LEADERSHIP, and, one sentence that explains WHY that ingredient is so important. (15 minutes)

(For example: "Courage, because leadership requires pushing outside of one's personal comfort zone and taking risks.")

2. Together, illustrate that single most important ingredient on a piece of posterboard. (15 minutes)

3. Photograph your group holding the posterboard, and email the photo to

4. Be prepared to present your PHOTO to the entire large group! (30 minutes)

The "Empathy" Group.

The "Confidence" Group.

The "Responsibility" Group.

Working on our "Leadership" posters.

Meet our LAB and VCWA students!

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